Year 7 Transition

Our Transition Program is student-centred and involves a committee of dedicated staff at Dianella SC ESC. We employ a Year 7 Transition Co-ordinator to oversee a successful and smooth transition to our centre, ensuring both student, primary school and family concerns are considered.

As part of this process, information flyers are distributed to our feeder schools and other identified primary schools. Families can arrange to visit our Centre to meet the Principal and experience the positive and healthy culture of our school.  Alongside this, our centre also holds a Prospective Families Event in Term 2 to showcase our Centre to prospective students and the wider community.

The Year 7 Transition Program, held in Term 4, involves a 2-day specialised program devised to promote friendships and confidence. Our Year 7 Transition co-ordinator liaises directly with prospective parents and primary schools to ensure all student’s needs and concerns are met. Prior to the transition program days, we hold a Pre-transition event to ensure students and parents feel connected and informed of our highly successful two-day Year 7 transitional days.

Transition Information Afternoon Tea

For parents/carers of accepted Year 7, 2024 students

When: Term 4 Week 5 Tuesday November 5 November 2024
Time: 3.30pm – 4.30pm
Where: Rooms 11 and 12, Dianella SC ESC
Agenda: Information on Transition Days

  • A brief presentation by our Year 7 teachers.
  • Students will receive a ‘transition pack’, with timetables and a social story to take home and help with their preparation for the transition days.
  • Parent/Carers – questions time.

Transition Days

For Year 7, 2025 students to begin their transition into Dianella SC ESC.

When: Term 4 Week 6 Tuesday November 12 and Wednesday November 13 2024.

More information will be given at the Transition Afternoon Tea.

Absentee Form

Please complete the form or call the school on 9345 9272 if your child will be away from school

Communication Dianella Secondary College Education Support Centre 2