All Western Australian public schools are reviewed by the Department of Education’s Public School Accountability directorate. A review gives assurance to the local community, the Minister for Education and Training and the Director General about the performance of public schools in delivering high quality education to students. The review acknowledges the achievements of the school and gives feedback to support the Principal and staff with their improvement planning.
Dianella Secondary College Education Support Centre was reviewed in Term 2, 2023. The full report is available for download below.
Dianella SC ESC follows the Department of Education’s mobile phone policy. This policy places a ban on the use of mobile phones for all students from the time they arrive at school to the end of the school day. The policy aims to reduce distractions in class and improve student engagement.
Exceptions are allowed for students who have approval from the Principal to use a phone to monitor health conditions, or where teachers give students permission to use mobile phones for a specific purpose.
If students need to contact their parents/carers, they can do so through the school’s administration. Likewise, if parents/carers need to get a message to their children, they should call the school.
At Dianella SC ESC we are a school that creates opportunities for students to learn outside of their classroom to meet a range of educational outcomes. However, a strict code of conduct must be adhered to, to ensure safety for all students and staff.
Dianella SC ESC recognises that students need to attend school regularly to gain the maximum benefits from the school’s program.
Our continuing targets for increasing student attendance are to:
Parents need to be aware that if their child is late to school or needs to be picked up early, they are required to sign them in or out from Administration.
If your child is absent from school, you can call the school on 9345 9272, or send a note via the appropriate communication platforms. Where a student may be absent for a prolonged period, parents need to contact the school so work can be provided. When the absence is unauthorised e.g., holidays during school term, parents need to seek approval from the School Principal.