Each week students participate in Danjoo. During Danjoo, students are taught a new character strength each term, mindfulness and other Positive Education concepts. Each term we also hold a Danjoo Assembly that is hosted by the Student Councillors that celebrates the character strength that has been taught and promoted.
Danjoo lessons occur on Thursday mornings from 9.00am – 9.30am. This year in 2023, we have begun to roll out the Resilience Project (TRP). In our Danjoo sessions, teachers have access to the TRP portal and choose the appropriate content for their class based on the year level. The staff will access lessons plans, videos, activities and resources to teach and implement within their classroom. The students have workbooks that match the content that is taught based on the concepts of the GEMEL model – Gratitude, Empathy, Mindfulness and Emotional Literacy.
Music Rocks Australia is a mobile school of music performance creating bands from ESC classes with the latest music technology and instruments to use music as a vehicle for personal, social, and musical development. Music Rocks Australia provides inclusive music programs for young people of all abilities.
Rock and Water is a course that is delivered over a number of lessons to students in primary or high school. A series of exercises and games are practised to develop confidence and self-reflection. The games are diverse and many have a martial arts origin. The program has a strong appeal to students who enjoy the active nature of the many games and drills. Students learn to stand strong, negotiate using “rock” or “water” verbal approaches, walk away from trouble, consider alternatives to aggression, and develop understandings about who they are, their intuitive feelings and their personal direction.
Our Outdoor Education program provides students with opportunities to engage in recreational activities outside of the classroom. Students take on tasks that assist them in developing leadership skills and further their personal and social capabilities, as they overcome challenges and refine their physical abilities. Students participate in a range of activities including raft building, mountain biking, geocaching, hiking, fishing and rock climbing.